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From Mexican drug cartel busts in Ontario to Klaus Shwab, the WHO and Ursula Vonder Lying at the EU panicking. Yesterdays inauguration and “signature marathon” seems to be giving the usual super villain suspects some migraine level headaches! Meanwhile, the Reich marches on in spite of Trumps massive anti-globalist policy signatures yesterday.

For Canadians we have the day after stupidity you’ve come to expect with Trudeau’s manufactured trade war, liberals jumping ship, and some serious questions on who’s actually protecting kids along with some suggestions about what Ottawa should be saying.

Oh, and Panama also says no thanks.

For details, links and resources: Substack:

The world will seem very small for the foreseeable future… We’re going to feel even smaller. The rest of the world will disappear under the overwhelming US media, because the worlds media is overwhelmingly American. That means we are going to have to work even harder for anything to be heard if it’s not about Trump or American world domination.

For details, links and resources: Substack:

International Round Table Discussion Hosted by Freedom Train International Founder Jim Ferguson of the United Kingdom..

Panelists Include Nicola Charles (Australia), Ivor Cummins (Ireland), Edward Szall (USA), Viva Frei (CDA), Matt Skow (USA) and Wayne Peters (CDA) David Krayden (CDA)

The Discussion: Trumps proposed 51st State annexation of Canada.

It’s Friday and that means we’re back with our resident “financial whisperer” Bryce from New World Precious Metals.

You never know what we might cover this Friday evening, but we will sure speak our minds on whatever flavour of insanity pops up! Tune in, bring a friend, share, subscribe! Let’s do this!

Follow Bryce on X:

– Learn how to protect your current assets from the Banking Cabal, and that’s the specialty of our partners at New World Precious Metals, to secure your precious metals. Contact them at:

The WEF Meat Muppets are intentionally tearing Canada apart. Crimes are covered up by plausibility and plausible deniability, it’s the NWO way. The new ‘Team Canada’ is exactly such a globalist push to destroy Canada. The goal is to have the citizenry begging for UBI and digital ID. Welcome to the birth of the first 4th Reich post nation state formerly known as Canada.

Yes, the 4th Reich is real. Yes the 4th Reich is strong in this bunch, make no mistake… they are real and they are ‘all in’ for the final push to the Great Reset under Mark Carney.

For details, links and resources: Substack:

Yep, peak insanity is here! From Justin to the premiers, to Sinaloa Cartel fentanyl, to Nazis past and present, to the most insane ideas … it’s all to keep Canadians from knowing how badly the corruption is ruining Canada. Some is insane, some is just crazy, some is downright hilarious! We’re going to touch them all!

For details, links and resources: Substack: