Freedom Depends On Your Ability To Access Authentic Information

Politically unreliable, fiercely Independent, dedicated to truth and Authentic Journalism reality again.  

Breaking through the barriers of communication in a new and sometimes unfamiliar world. Gathering internationally renowned voices together for thought provoking discussions on the challenges of our times.

Welcome back to another Freedom Train International Special Panel Report in the worlds fastest growing freedom movement!

4 hours of discussion hosted by Freedom Train International founder Jim Ferguson leading us off with Ambassadors like Peter Mac Issac, Malue Montclaire, Liz Gunn and Wayne Peters doing some co-hosting along the way.

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It’s Friday and that means we’re back with our resident “financial whisperer” Bryce from New World Precious Metals. You never know what we might cover this Friday evening, but we will sure speak our minds on whatever flavour of insanity pops up! Tune in, bring a friend, share, subscribe! Let’s do this!

Follow Bryce on X:

– Learn how to protect your current assets from the Banking Cabal, and that’s the specialty of our partners at New World Precious Metals, to secure your precious metals. Contact them at:

Every day this week feels like Monday at the circus. Imagine ground hog day at a carnival… we all know nightmares are made of this. Well that seems to be the ‘new normal,’ an endless, ongoing, saga of Canadian political abuse. Tonight will be another dose of “insert circus tunes here” sprinkled with a little shock, awe, and outrage. Everything you’ve come to expect in authentic daily news.

Canadian political reports should all come with circus music while Trump says he’s making America great again. Some of what he’s saying seems or insane, some may say suicidal. How many enemies can Trump manage? He seems to appear to be cleaning up the swamp in America but he also seems to be lining up enemies… Meanwhile only a lunatic might be able to predict what Canada might be doing.

They say truth is stranger than fiction and I can’t argue that. Tonight will be a brief run through the minefield of DC versus JT and on to an anecdotal look into some history you might not be aware of: “War Plan Red”

For details, links and resources: Substack:

What is even real any more? Are we living in reality or being weaponized by plausibility? Everything about the word Tariffs is about forcing compliance, behind plausible arguments, but are those arguments even real? Are the Liberals winning again? Is it real, or plausibility? Is Trump the ‘good guy,’ the ‘bad guy’ or just another plausible means to an end? Nothing is as it seems, where there is sophistication, evil or not, when it’s not understood people tend to grasp onto the plausible like a life preserver.