No one is prepared for Canada’s critical moments, happening now. Liberals are desperate, don’t buy the narrative. They can’t change their colours or undo what the’ve destroyed. Sadly, few see whats about to happen in Canada, fewer are prepared to undo it.
This toxic management is not only afflicting Canada, the ‘collective west’ is dying. Europe is finally understanding, and crying because they are figuring out the hard way that they can’t stop it. It’s easier to see when billions in gold are being stashed on commercial flights in a rush to get to America. Neil Oliver asks if we are at the end of all we once thought we knew to be normal? I think we’re pondering similar thoughts.
This leaves Canadians among all western societies, facing critical moments indeed. The good news is that since the beginning of time, humanity is resilient. There is always a solution for every problem, not everyone is open to seeking them out so maybe Konstantin’s Manifesto for the future of civilization has some things worth considering. It’s beats jumping from a bridge.