Freedom Depends On Your Ability To Access Authentic Information

We are not politically reliable, we are Independent, we are dedicated to making Authentic Journalism a reality again.  

Freedom Depends On Your Ability To Access Authentic Information

We are not politically reliable, we are Independent, we are dedicated to making Authentic Journalism a reality again.  

Freedom Depends On Your Ability To Access Authentic Information

We are not politically reliable, we are Independent, we are dedicated to making Authentic Journalism a reality again.  

Buckle Up!

It’s going to get bumpy, and it’s only Tuesday! This one will piss you off, no matter how you plan to vote … and of course there will more clown world. There is always more shenanigans by showtime.

Oh Oh? There is a lot of news breaking, not much of it is good. There will be a few worst fears updates. Some wins of the week. And a lot of What The Hell is Next?!?!?!?! … And yes of course, there will certainly be more clown world shenanigans by showtime.

Tune in for a WHO Treaty & Bioweapons, and deception programs update with James Roguski. Where we are in the WHO Treaty Matrix? What The Hell is Next?!?!?!?!

James is one of humanities greatest allies in the information and “word salad” wars of conquest via deception by the “Dark Side” of UN and WHO policies. And the deviants who craft them. I do not over state the matter. We may one day all survive this through the monumental works of people like James. Let’s do our best to make sure this show gets as far and wide as possible.

I never get used to life changing course on you when you are least prepared or even most eager lol. Tonight it’s Plan B, I will explain but I’m sure we will get to this too. It’s all just weird… right? While we are all dazed, confused, and divided… WWIII may just have started today

This will be the first time I’ve been able to get my friend and ally Chuck from on the show. If you assumed why the world knows him as “Mags” you would probably be correct.

For interest sake some might call him a survivor of the Attempted Assassination of Donald Trump, him and his wife were present. He wouldn’t accept that but I call him a brother in arms in the war for humanity, a grounding force of conservative common sense faith based… a calm and reassuring voice of reason in a world gone mad. It will be a pleasure to finally introduce you all.

A few things you might want to know about:
– Venezuela
– Italy
– Bank of Canada Report on Immigration
… and of course, there will certainly be more clown world shenanigans by showtime.

July 29, 2024 7:00 pm

I’m going to make a little Lemonade, some of the insanity in the news today may actually be good news but you have to tune in to find out why!

Tonight it’s wins, losses, Canadian current events, geopolitics and updates from “Clown World” and behind the scenes on efforts and news from the “grass roots” community level.

July 24, 2024 6:00 pm

Special Guest is Nadine Ness of the Saskatchewan United Grass Roots efforts. Nadine is a force of nature, a former RCMP Special Constable, farm wife and most importantly a mom. She knows exactly what she is fighting for. It’s been a minute since we had a chance to chat so I look forward to her sharing her tips for everyone who knows what and who the stand for.

July 23, 2024 6:00 pm

Forget the Ukraine Narrative, we have a bigger problem..
If we are not careful our own “Leaders” will lie until we are nothing but a

July 22, 2024 6:00 pm

Wins, losses, Canadian current events, geopolitics and updates from behind the scenes of what’s going on at the “grass roots” community levels.